2004-07-22 - 11:18 a.m.
days until our wedding!

Man. I have been in a sort of wedding denial. You know, where you see the big ass binder full of shit you need to do just sitting there and thing 'eh, we still have like 16 weeks.'... yeah, and then you think about it even more and realize it's actually LESS than 16 weeks, and some stuff takes longer than others and holy shit what the hell... you've spent like 100 extra bucks on NOTHING this payday, THAT WAS MONEY ALLOTTED FOR THE FUCKING WEDDING


So yeah. I have done a few things. My veil arrived yesterday... and is perfect! Ok, perfect except that it is velcro'ed to the comb. At first I thought it was fine, because I wanted to turn it around anyway. Well, it makes it really heavy. Heavy and weird looking. I don't have a picture that illustrates this very well, I'll take one this weekend... for now you'll just have to take my word for it. Anyhoo, It doesn't help that I have thin hair and it doesn't want to anchor very well. So I was thinking of getting rid of the velcro which will be easy on the comb, (Just have to rip it off) and then cut the velcro off of the veil (this is where it get's tricky) ... then I'll sew the comb to the veil. I sound pretty confident about all of this right now, but I don't have the first freakin' clue on how to accomplish this. So that's one stressor.

The other is the favors. The favors have been a thorn in my side from the get go. Originally we wanted to do christmas ornaments... but alas, that won't work because well.. it just won't. So now I'm going to do black and white tulle circles that will hold hersheys kisses with a tag attached that says 'enjoy some kisses from the new mr. and mrs.' Cute huh? But we can't really do much about those now anyway, because of the heat, so that'll be a task for the fall. I should also mention that I hate tulle circles, I'd much rather have organza bags but considering the tulle circles are cheaper and we now have to get passports, um, tulle circles it is.

The last thing that's worrying me right now is the alcohol situation. To keg or not to keg. There will be beer no matter what. That much I know. What I don't know is what's going to be easier... getting kegs or getting cases of beer. (I think kegs will also be more cost effective, but I can't be sure on that either... that's on Aaron's to do list... which is right now collecting dust on the microwave... THAT'S A WHOLE OTHER TOPIC.) Anyhoo,

The problem with kegs is getting them, (transportation) and keeping them cold (and assigning responsibility to someone to get them back to their home afterwards.) Does the beer stay cold in there? Do we need tubs of ice to put the kegs in? HOW FUCKING BIG IS A KEG ANYWAY? And bottles... they might be more expensive (I'm assuming here) but they'd be easier to move and store and keep cold... *sigh* any input here would be damn loverly right about now. :-)

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