Mom's Dress
2004-02-02 - 9:40 a.m.
days until our wedding!

Ok, so I have been doing the diet thing for a week or so now, not being too strict... just really making an attempt at eating healthy and going to the gym as well. I would like to drop about 20lbs before I buy a wedding dress. Not just for the wedding, but forever. I want to rid myself of at LEAST 20 more pounds for good. The wedding dress thing is just a motivational tool. And a good one at that, because damn if I don't feel like a heifer every time I put one on.

The difference yesterday is that my mom's dress actually fits me. Like, it zips all the way up without me wanting to die from being suffocated. The chest area is too tight, and If I trimmed about an inch off my waist, it would be absolutely perfect (as I like a little breathing room don'tcha know), but really, the dress fit damn near perfectly.

It just isn't my style. It's a beautiful dress, and I did feel very princessy in it, I just want something different. But for shits and giggles, I thought I'd post the pics here. I did like the veil, though it was damn long... but it was very pretty. I just look puffy in it, and that is not the effect I want AT ALL.

Here I am:

Here's Mom:

It was fun trying it on, makes me excited to think of what mine will be like, and now I sort of know what it'll feel like. I did feel like a princess, that's for sure.

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