day one
2004-08-01 - 10:08 a.m.
days until our wedding!

Day One of the All Wedding All Weekend extravaganza was a loooooonnnnnnggggg one. We started out day at Bon-Macy's, the goal being to register for china and silver. (The end result being that registered for neither... and probably won't.) We happened to pick a great day to register there as they were having some sort of bridal fair thing. There were vendors up the wazoo, demonstrations and lots of free stuff.

And I'm all about the free stuff. My favorite part of the day was the recipe hunt, all throughout the 4 floors of the store, at each cash register and some odd places there were gift bags with balloons attached. In the bags were recipes. 75 of them total. I am ocd enough that I made Aaron come with me and get every single one, and then we got a little recipe box that holds them. I am actually going to make a recipe page linked from the regular journal and start posting them there.

Anyway, it took forever to go through and register there, as we are not familiar with their store so we inched along and tried to register for reasonable things. We did register for some flatware that is stainless steel... but hell, even that shit was kind of expensive. Regularly 42 bucks a setting... on sale over half off through August now, so I figure that's ok. The oneida rep took a shine to us, and gave Aaron a large Ice Cream spoon and gave me a garter, and of course offered as much advice as we could take.

After we were done registering we were given free Mikasa toasting flutes, (score!) and a small picture frame, a tote bag (new gym bag!) and a bunch of literature about wedding shizzle. All in all a pretty good experience. Oh yeah, and we happened to find a big Wooden Salad bowl with serving spoon/fork and four smaller wooden bowls. They totally reminded me of the bowls my grandma used to have, and since there was only one left with no tags we took it up to the register and the set was on clearance for ten bucks! Score!

After we left Bon-Macy's we went to have lunch, I put the recipe cards together and found that we were missing 10 of them. So we went back and got them, and ran into a friend of mine who is getting married next May. We stood and chatted for a long time, it was nice. Then we tooled around the mall looking for wedding shoes.

we finally found a pair at Sears (of all places... I never shop there.) We then made our way to Target, spent 3 fucking hours going aisle by aisle registering, and then decided to go to Bed, Bath and Beyond and register there while everything was fresh in our minds. By the time we finished there it was 9pm. We'd been under fluorescent lights scanning shit since 10 am. It was a loooooooooong day.

The various recipes I scored

One of the toasting flutes

The free picture frame

Aaron's ice cream spoon

The wood bowl set we found sitting all by it's lonesome


Dude, I don't know if I can adequately describe to you how close these became to being my wedding shoes. Seriously. If they hadn't been a bit too tight, they would have been it. I LOVE these shoes. If they had been all white and still uncomfortable I still would have bought them. But they did dig a bit into my foot.

I liked these, but they hurt a lot... A LOT.

These also came close to being the wedding shoes, except I am not good on heels and I wasn't sure about the whole pink factor. but I did love these shoes.

These are the ones I settled on, Aaron actually picked them out; I never even saw them. They pinched a bit, so we got a size bigger and they still pinch across the toes but I'll wear em in a bit at home.

Side view

view of the top

Today we're off to accomplish a plethora of other shit. More on that later of course! ps, if you are interested what we registered for (and the theme for the day was, 'what's the worst that could happen... someone might actually buy it for us?) Target is here, Bed Bath and Beyond is here, and Bon-Macy's is here.

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