Apply Now To Be My 'Fusser'
2004-03-04 - 9:23 a.m.
days until our wedding!

You know, I was watching Carmen and Dave on MTV last weekend (shut up, you know you watch it too.) and it was the first part of the wedding two parter. I watched longer than I thought I would, because quite frankly I detest Carmen Electra. Why? 1. because her name is Carmen Electra (ok, her real name is Tara... and I loathe that name too, so whatever.) Anyway, as she was getting ready and then waiting to walk down the aisle, I was struck by something I had forgotten to plan in my own wedding.

I don't have anyone to fuss about me, continually readjusting my veil and blending my makeup! EGAD! What am I going to do? I know this must be a pertinent role in the wedding, because if that guy fucked with her veil once, he fucked with it a million times. So many times that I was actually comforted by the fact that it wasn't all perfect. That pesky veil wouldn't sit on her head 'just so' so the little man had to keep messing with it. Hmm... who can I ask to be 'fusser'...

I wrote out our entire wedding ceremony last night, which may be a bit premature because I am not sure what Tim (our minister... well, I'm not sure if he's a 'minister' or not... he's certified to marry people...) has up his sleeve for weddings. I don't want to offend him by shoving a script in his face to read, but I am very persnickety about the wording and such.

At one point in the ceremony I want him to note that there are two framed photos on the altar (one for Aaron's dad, and one for my grandma) and note that their presence is sorely missed. Then Aaron's sister and brother will light a candle next to their dad's picture in memory, and my sister will light a candle next to my grandma's picture. It's so important to me that they are part of the ceremony.

I've been having little freak outs every now and then when I think about how much shit we still have to do. *sigh* at least we still have a while to go. We are going to need it.

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